
百科 2024-10-25 18:40:58 2887
[ – ] Spursrawsharks 1035 points 11 hours agoFrom all the angles it looks like it went:Udoka: "Stop all that bitching"Lebron: "Dont use that word so loosely,老詹 were grown men"Udoka: "Shut up, soft ass boy"Still seems pretty weak to me, especially because it didnt look anywhere close to getting physical.马刺球迷:从各个角度的唇语解读来看 ,两人的上世舌对话貌似是这样的 :乌度卡 :" 不要再像个婊子似的逼逼了!"老詹:" 别轻易用这个词儿,难成我们都是功伯成年人!"乌度卡:" 闭嘴吧 ,德击小软蛋 !败仅"这些对话看上去依旧是需条挺没劲的,怎么着都没有严重到要吃技犯的老詹程度啊 … [ – ] floatersforalgernon [ S ] 105 points 12 hours agoWhich is clearly not about Thanksgiving. Shaking my head球迷:对啊 ,而且这可跟感恩节一毛钱关系都没有啊 … 哎 ...新闻链接 >>>>>> 和乌度卡交谈双双吃 T?詹姆斯:我们在谈自己有多么享受感恩节 [ – ] noknownothing 647 points 11 hours agoThe上世舌 whole point of the T is so that the game doesnt get out of control. Udoka is warned after the first outburst. And thrown out after the second. He knew that was coming. Mightve even been strategic. You cant have coaches yapping at opposing players. The ref did a good job controlling the situation.球迷:裁判吹技犯的目的是为了不让比赛失控 … 乌度卡之前就被吹了一次技犯,以示警告 … 于是难成在之后吃到了第二个技犯就被驱逐了 … 其实他知道自己是躲不掉的 ,也许这是功伯他的比赛策略吧 … 教练是不允许在比赛中朝对手球员说垃圾话的 ,裁判做得很不错,德击把场面给控制住了。败仅 [ – ] shaka_sulu 42 points 7 hours agoIf you play back to right after his 需条first tech, he immediately whipsers to his assistant. I joke to my wife hes probably saying "be prepared to take over, Im going to get a 2nd one"球迷:要是你们看回放的话就会发现 ,在吃到第一个技犯之后 ,老詹乌度卡马上朝着自己的助理教练悄悄耳语了几句 … 当时我就跟老婆开玩笑说 ,乌度卡可能在对助教说 " 你准备好接手 ,我要开动吃第二个技犯了。" [ – ] Sunsseanconnery69696 10 points 4 hours ago"I have to take a poop, see you in an hour"太阳球迷:其实他说的是 " 我得去拉个屎 ,一个小时后见。" [ – ] LakersCheckmynewsong 156 points 8 hours agoThings were also getting a bit chippy on the floor right before this, so the technicals didn ’ t happen in a vacuum.湖人球迷 :在老詹和乌度卡吵架之前 ,场上球员其实已经有点火气了 ,所以说啊 ,技犯可不是乱吹的 ~ [ – ] Trail Blazerstoadtruck 3501 points 12 hours agoNeither of them looked surprised so probably a good call开拓者球迷 :当时老詹和乌度卡两个人看上去脸上也没有什么惊讶的表情,所以是那俩技犯吹得估计也没毛病 ~ [ – ] TW_Yellow78 293 points 8 hours agoCoach calling opposing player a bitch and soft ass boy, lol. Lebron must have said something more than "we all grown ups" to get a T too球迷 :一个教练喷对手球员是婊子和软蛋(这个技犯没毛病),哈哈哈!然而老詹竟然也吃到了一个技犯 ,估计他说的话肯定远不止那句 " 我们是成年人 " 那么简单啊 ~~~ [ – ] GradeBeginning3600 2 points 3 hours agoJust another example of why Lebron wouldnt be as good in other eras. I can only imagine Larry Bird chirping Lebron lol球迷 :如果老詹在其他年代的 NBA 打球的话 ,他不会像现在那么出色的 !为什么 ?这就是铁证 !我脑子里全是拉里 - 伯德对着老詹 ,一通嘴遁输出的画面,哈哈哈  !! [ – ] NefariousnessNew6534 4 points 2 hours agothis is top 5 dumbest things ever written. You think anyone matching lebrons athleticism in other eras lmao if anything hed just be even better球迷:楼上说的话 ,可位列我一生中听过的五句最傻逼的话之一!你以为在其他年代有任何一个球员能在身体素质与老詹抗衡吗? !笑死个人了 !(在其他年代打球)老詹只会更加出色! [ – ] GradeBeginning3600 0 points 2 hours agoYou seem pretty worked up over something silly, that you Lebron?If Udoka triggered him this hard Bird would have retired him before halftime球迷 :你好像很容易被一些愚蠢的话给激惹到嘛,老詹,难道是你吗?如果乌度卡那样子惹伯德的话 ,伯德用不了半场就能把他给喷退役了 ! [ – ] NefariousnessNew6534 [ score hidden ] 48 minutes agoif that ’ s worked up to you you might softer than you claim lebron is lmaoBird would ’ ve retired by halftime after lebron dunks on him like 10 times in a row球迷:如果伯德的垃圾话能激到你的话 ,那你可能比你想象中的老詹还要软蛋!跟你说  ,要是和老詹比赛,用不了半场,伯德就会因为被老詹连续颜扣 10 次,直接退役! ! [ – ] Fluffy_Gap_616 2835 points 12 hours ago*Udoka said "Y ’ all gotta stop with all that b*tching man"That ’ s the "word" that got LeBron riled up.球迷 :乌度卡说 " 你别再像个婊子一样逼逼了!" 就是这个词儿(婊子)激怒老詹的 ! [ – ] Cavaliersquentin-coldwater 2014 points 11 hours agoThats the same word that got LeBron mad at Draymond in the finals and led him to his infamous "I am a man and a father of 3" rant.He also famously reacted when a fan called him a pussy ass bitch.Its clearly a trigger word for LeBron骑士球迷:当年和勇士队打总决赛时,老詹被追梦激怒 ,后者也是用了这个词儿(婊子),并且逼出了老詹的那句 " 我是个男人,是三个孩子的父亲 " 的怒吼!曾经被一个球迷骂软得像个婊子时 ,老詹当时的回应也耳熟能详 。所以 " 婊子 " 这个词对老詹来说是个情绪开关 … [ – ] Trail Blazersankylosaurus_tail 49 points 9 hours agoOr when Russel gets called Westbrick开拓者球迷:威少听到 " 萎斯布鲁铁 " 的时候,也一样 … [ – ] Bullshankbaumbach 29 points 8 hours agoShannon Sharpe went on a rant awhile back about how black male culture holds the word "bitch" in the highest of regards when it comes to an insult and to lobby it at another black male is the equivalent of slapping them in the face with your dick.I dont get it, but thats what Shannon said.公牛球迷:香农 - 夏普不久前曾有过一次长篇大论 ,其中说到在黑人男性文化中,他们把 " 婊子 " 这个词的严重性看得最重,当他们用这个词去侮辱别人或者形容别人时 ,那种伤害性不亚于你手握自己的大屌往对方的脸上抽 !虽然我不理解,但是我大受震撼 ! [ – ] skoobaskiz 4 points an hour agoIt ’ s based on jail shit. Essentially as soon as you say that word it means "we are about to fight" or yeah you become the bitch and nobody wants that.球迷 :这个词儿来源于监狱文化 !基本上只要你说出这个词儿 ,意思就是 " 我要跟你干架 !" ,或者是 " 你当婊子,万人唾弃!" [ – ] SeriousLetterhead364 203 points 9 hours agoI think LeBron sincerely believes that the most important thing a man can be is a good father. He believes he has been a good father to his children, and calling him a bitch is questioning his integrity as a man.So his response makes sense in that context. You can think whatever about him, but the most important part of his character as a man ( a good father ) isn ’ t up for debate.球迷:我觉得老詹打心底里认为,一个男人最重要的品质是成为一个好父亲!而且他相信自己已经做到了一个好父亲的角色 ,因此叫他 " 婊子 " 就是在质疑他男人的品格 !在这种背景下  ,老詹的反应就相当合理了 … 你说他什么都可以,但是他心目中男人的至高品格(好父亲)是不容质疑的 ! [ – ] Mavericksmiddlebird 42 points 7 hours agoParenting is really hard. Anybody who does it well ain ’ t no bitch.独行侠球迷:抚养孩子是很难的事情 ,任何一个在这件事情上尽责的人 ,绝非婊子!! [ – ] DMDoubleG 92 points 7 hours agoIve seen Blake Griffin say on a couple of podcasts that "bitch" is viewed across the league as basically the worst thing you could call a person.It came up because Blake had a bit of a spat with a person who isnt an NBA player who jokingly called him a bitch, not realizing that it carried a lot more weight for Blake than many other people.球迷 :我在几个播客节目上听格里芬讲过 ," 婊子 " 这个词 ,基本上在整个联盟里都被视作是最可恶的称呼 ,你不能这样叫别人 !我说这个是有原因的 ,格里芬曾经和一个非 NBA 球员的人发生过口角,因为那个人拿 " 婊子 " 这个词跟他打趣,然而对方想不到的是,相对于和其他人开这种玩笑 ,你和格里芬说 " 婊子 ",那事态可是要严重得多得多啊! [ – ] Clippersosusris 393 points 12 hours agoMario Chalmers told LeBron he was playing like a bitch back on the Heat and Bron snapped on him, its a sensitive word for him especially it seems快船球迷:在热火队的时候,查尔莫斯曾经说老詹打球软得像个婊子 ,老詹立马吼了他  ,看起来老詹这个词是尤其地敏感!来源  :Reddit编译 :河浪端查看原文






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